Hello, JTJ Family!Â
I am super excited to share with you a HIGHLY REQUESTED FREE SERIES to help you navigate through the health and fitness noise. Above you will find THE ENTIRE PLAYLIST TO GET YOU IN THE BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE!
Today I want to introduce you to the concepts of the TRANSFORM 24 SERIES! This has been a highly requested series; a chance for me to share both the science and the methods that have helped me get into the best shape of my life and that I use with my patients as well. The best part? As a method of creating a minimum effective dose for exercise I have created short bursts of training that will target every area of your body in just minutes...not hours!
You cannot imagine how exciting this is for me because, after decades of research, I have used a combination of tried and true, proven methods to tone, tighten, and trim down every problem area on a women’s body; that typical exercise movement doesn’t always address. Now, don’t get me...
Perhaps you have tried to lose weight by cutting your calories and stepping up your exercise in an effort to achieve that ideal body composition. You may have lost a few pounds initially but then you hit a plateau or even started regaining the weight back. You have goals of achieving your best health and crushing those health goals but everywhere you turn there are conflicting messages and noise on social media about the best way of going about change and you aren't sure how to get started? You want to believe that there are methods for increasing your fat-burning potential but it seems like it could be too complicated.
Maybe you've begun the process of making changes. You’ve cut back on treats like chocolate and wine. You have started working out an hour a day. You are counting calories and you have cut them down significantly.
In this video, I share the methods I have used to stay healthy (and free of colds and the flu) for over 6 years. The methods I share include my supplement routine, my lifestyle habits, and the specific exercises I do to improve white blood cell count and keep my immune system primed to fight off foreign bacteria, viruses, and microbes. All the methods I share are either scientifically tested, proven, or clinically tested for efficacy. It is important to note that these are the tips that I do. Of course, you will need to do your own diligence and seek a health care practitioner (functional medicine practitioners are great) to help you navigate through the necessary laboratory testing, diagnosing, and treatment as this is only an entertainment/educational video. I hope you find it useful! XO, Dr. Linné
Hello my fellow health enthusiasts! Welcome back and if you are new, I’m Dr. Linne and this channel is dedicated to helping you supercharge your health and ...
In this masterclass, we take a deep dive into all things paper. The best part? You get to hear how the EXACT process I am going to share with you, changed my life! You will learn my signature 5 steps + 2 bonus steps that include: 1) calendar (scheduling) 2) clarity (visualizing exactly what you want your spaces to look like 3) collect (gather everything) 4) consider (determine what needs to be kept and what needs to go and the questions to ask 5) conclude (create a usable system to sort the items you keep into the right piles). BONUS STEPS: 6) consolidate (determine the time-tested method you will use to organize everything you have determined you will keep and 7) continue (know how you will maintain these processes.
***In addition to this detailed tutorial, I have created a FREE bonus for you to make this process easy and doable. You won't want to miss the treat at the end!!!
It was 8:30 in the morning. I hadn’t slept a wink and I don’t mean that I...
COFFEE & SimipliciTEA is a new masterclass and tutorial series geared toward answering your most common questions and providing the best-proven methods for simplifying health, decluttering the home, improving habits, and increasing happiness. We sip coffee in my dining room, get in our cozy clothes, and talk about all things health, wellness, and simplification. So, grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and join me! It's a long one but SO worth it! In this episode, we touch upon the top 5 ways you can get control of your health in these hectic times. I use practical tips based on scientific evidence to help you improve your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health right now. The 5 best tips are 1) monitor how you consume and contribute to social media. 2) prioritize a morning routine 3) simplify your eating habits and food choices 4) minimize your exercise but make it efficient 5) Declutter your spaces that are preventing your peace and productivity. In this video...
In this longer video, I take a deep dive into cellulite. This video is meant to fully educate the viewers on what it is, the medical theories on its pathophysiology, the American Association of Dermatology's recommended treatments, what DOESN'T work, and the 5-part method that worked for me. If you have cellulite and struggle with body image or are embarrassed by it; I need you to know that you are beautiful, perfect, and unconditionally loved, just the way you are. Say this affirmation to yourself on a daily basis. This is the most important affirmation that I teach my weight loss patients and my clients to say daily.
Welcome back, my fellow lifestyle enthusiasts. If this is your first time visiting this channel, I’m Dr. Linne. It is my firm belief that your health, your time, and your energy are your true wealth. By helping you to supercharge your health and simplify your lifestyle (think less stress and less distraction) I aim to help you make room f...
In this post, I discuss the top 10 ways you can improve the health of your home (inexpensively and quickly). I discuss the importance of having the right plants in your home, removing BPAs, PCAs, formaldehyde, getting the right filter, have your home tested for mold/lead/radon, pursue minimalism, clean regularly, remove all VOCs, etc. I even include a FREE resource of a cleaning schedule to help you stay sane as well as my personal cleaning recipes
Welcome back, my fellow lifestyle enthusiasts. If this is your first time visiting this channel, I’m Dr. Linne. It is my firm belief that your health, your time, and your energy are your true wealth. By helping you to supercharge your health and simplify your lifestyle (think less stress and less distraction) I aim to help you make room for your God-given mission in this life; that dream that is on your heart that only you can fulfill because it is unique to you. By serving you, I believe you can be better equi...
In this post, I discuss the research behind clutter and your weight! That’s right! Your junk drawer may be contributing to the junk in your trunk. To summarize the studies, we have linked cluttered spaces to overeating and binging, increase in stress hormones and abdominal fat, and the inhibition of fat burning mechanisms. To help you avoid the misfortune of the ill-effects of a cluttered environment, I provide you with my proven 5-step method (5x5 Decluttering Method) for creating a home that is peaceful, productive, and inviting.  You don’t want to miss the many jewels in this post!
Welcome back my fellow lifestyle enthusiasts. If you are new, I’m Linné and to say that I’m obsessed with all things lifestyle and how they impact your overall health, is an understatement. As a physician and a researcher, my goal is to provide you simple tactics to improve your lifestyle and thus improve your health and well-being.
And boy am I excited about today's...
As many of you know, I work with a lot of weight loss patients and I have done research on fat loss, building lean muscle and hormone balance for decades. Having been 45 pounds heavier I have often been desperate to find what works and disregard what doesn’t. Now that I am responsible for helping my weight loss patients work out smarter not harder, I have had to find methods for them to maintain their hormone balance and help them keep their newly hard-earned physique. The old world thinking was that in order to lose weight and get in your best shape you have to workout harder and eat less. I am here to tell you that with nearly 100% of my patients, this method backfires every time. So what do I tell my patients? What do I do myself to achieve the best body at 45 years old that I have ever had in my life? I’m going to share with you my secret. And it isn’t really a secret but it certainly is not conventional thinking. In this video, I share: 1) the pitfalls most of my weight ...
Have you ever had a morning that started with hitting the snooze button two or three times? Perhaps, it progressed to sluggishly grabbing a morning coffee and watching depressing newsreels while munching on soggy cheerios. But what if you could start each and every day with excitement? What if you actually smiled each morning you awakened? What if you moved your body in such a way that made you feel alive and prepared to take on the day's challenges? What if - by the time you arrived to work - you felt you had accomplished a healthy, happy and energetic mindset that drove you to perform more efficiently and effectively in all of your daily tasks? In this post, I discuss the defining characteristic of the top 1% that I discovered in my research: the commitment to performing a beneficial morning ritual. In addition, I walk you through the four areas of personal growth that I define as the necessary components of an effective morning ritual: mental, emotional, physical and spi...
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You have goals. You have dreams. You want to live (and love) your best life. You are in the right place. Don't miss out on the best of my blogs, FREE resources, and updates on new products or services. I have SO much to share with you! Let's make it happen!